Action Sports Chiropractic & Family Wellness

Dr. Katrina Hackett, DC, ATC, CSCS
10054 Mesa Ridge Ct., Ste 116
San Diego CA 92121
(858) 876-2171

From "What's that popping sound?" to "What's a Copay?", here are a few answers to the questions we hear most often:

Is it true that once you start chiropractic care, you’ll have to keep going for the rest of your life? 
No, but considering how much research has shown that it improves the brain, we do recommend making it a regular part of your healthy lifestyle, just as much as brushing your teeth. A well balanced treatment plan can not only help to bring you to a point of pain free activity, but show you how to keep yourself pain free through preventative stretching, strengthening and nutritional awareness. When you continue receiving chiropractic care, you'll experience a noted difference in the improved cognition, mobility and wellness benefits that it can impart, but that is a decision you make for yourself. After your initial injury or condition improves, we highly recommend coming in for a "tune up" a minimum of every 3-4 weeks, depending on your activity levels and other health conditions that may impact your neuro-muscular and spinal health, while many choose to come more often for the benefits of Stress Relief and Performance Enhancement, and help to avoid future flare ups and injury. When you need us, we'll be here. 

When chiropractors crack your back, are they really cracking my bones?
No. What you’re actually hearing is a shifting of gases in the joint fluids, a process called “cavitation”, which helps to release pressure build up in joints and surrounding nerves and tissues. This “popping” or “cracking” sound is the single most commonly recognized aspect of Chiropractic adjustments, but not everyone experiences it during their adjustments.

Will I have to get XRays?
Not necessarily. Although many Chiropractors advertise XRay images as a customary part of a new patient package, they can sometimes be unnecessary and costly additions that don't end up making an impact on the type of care that you receive. Other times, they are extremely important and can make the difference in not only type of care you receive from our office, but potential referrals for the most appropriate management of your condition. Whether or not you will need xrays will be dependent upon a large number of factors including but not limited to your previous and current medical history, mechanism of injury, extent of symptoms, and examination results. Xrays only show bone, not soft tissues such as ligaments or nerves. So, if your condition indicates that you need some type of diagnostic imaging such as XRays, MRI, or any other type for that matter, we'll do what it takes to be sure you get them. If you don't, don't worry; we're not about to send you to get radiated just for the fun of getting a cool picture. 

I've already been to Physical Therapy. How is this going to be any different?
Physical Therapy can be an excellent choice for the improvement of injury and post-surgical care, but we've also seen tremendous variations in approach and quality of care between locations and PT's.  For many individuals, Chiropractic care is an unquestionable necessity to reach full and lasting relief of their condition. Since Chiropractic care affects the brain and its connection to the rest of the body systems such as the neuromuscular system, it makes sense that getting adjust would only enhance whatever care your completing with your PT, or might provide the edge needed to make whatever other therapies you're doing more effective. This is often because an underlying joint dysfunction is impacting the body's ability to achieve balance between muscle groups, and full range of motion in the joints. In addition, your body develops what we refer to as "muscle memory" during our exercises, and even during our everyday activities. If you remove the restriction in the joint and nervous system, and light up the brain to reconnect to it's outer systems, it will have an improved ability to develop the proper functional movement patterns, thus healing faster. As Sports Medicine specialists, our practitioners apply the fundamentals of functional movement to all patient care, whether your goal is to pick up your child pain free, or PR at your next athletic event.

Remember, every health practitioner brings to the table a wide range of educational an experiential components based on their own personal background. The systems we use at our office are based on years of continuing ed and Neurophysiology research from around the globe and learned from multiple disciplinary backgrounds, and we will continue striving to learn more skills to bring to our patients.  After all, sometimes, we just need to try something different in order to find out what we've been missing.

I hate exercise. Am I going to have to do any?
Ok, so we can’t force you, but why should you? Stretching and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system help to develop “muscle memory” and connection to our brain. Research has shown that an active lifestyle helps to keep the brain healthy. No, it's not always fun or easy, but movement is the best path to find relief. As we work to restore the balance between areas of your body, the less pain, injury and discomfort you’ll experience. 

Why would my child need Chiropractic care? 

So, have you seen the kinds of things kids do to themselves throughout the course of a single day? Yes, its true that kids are not subject to degenerative changes just yet, but someday, the injuries they go through now will have an impact on their lives as teens and adults. In addition, depression, stress and anxiety are now the leading issues in children and young adults. Proper and consistent chiropractic care can help improve the brains ability to regulate in a healthy way, including in kids affected by conditions associated with disruptions between the brain, body, and emotions sometimes referred to as the Triple Brain Network.  Chiropractic care helps to ensure that their spine and nervous systems are firing at full capacity to help them heal efficiently and in balance. As Sports Medicine and Scoliosis specialists, regular chiropractic care at ASC can also help provide another set of eyes to screen for changes such as early onset of Scoliosis and muscular imbalances/tension patters such as those leading to Osgood Schlatter's and other common injuries that might otherwise be missed or dismissed. 

What is Active Release Technique, or “ART” work? 
Also referred to as “ART,” Active Release Technique is a patented, soft tissue system/movement based technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. True ART providers have been specially trained, tested and certified to treat abnormal tissues by combining precisely directed tension with very specific patient movements. Dr. Katrina has been trained and certified in Upper Body and Spinal Active Release Techniques.

What causes the painful “knots” in my muscles? Is it bad for me if I just ignore them?
Numerous factors can cause your body to produce tough, dense scar tissue in the affected area. This scar tissue binds up and ties down tissues that need to move freely. As scar tissue continues to build, muscles become shorter and weaker, tension on tendons causes tendonitis, and nerves can become irritated during joint dysfunction and the resulting disconnect with the brain. This can cause reduced range of motion, loss of strength, and pain. When this happens, you may also feel tingling, numbness, and weakness.

Can babies and children receive chiropractic care?
Absolutely. Chiropractic care is safe, gentle, and effective. Many chiropractors such as Dr. Hackett choose to complete additional post-graduate training to further their skills in assessing and caring for the pediatric population. In our clinic, Dr. Hackett has seen children, including her own, as early as their first week of life. Many parents have reported observations such as improved sleeping, reduced constipation, and reduced flu and ear pain symptoms in their child following their Chiropractic adjustment. We provide additional discounted pediatric wellness visits up to age 8 to make it easier for you and your family to make Chiropractic a part of your choice for a natural, non-invasive approach to health care. 

What's the difference between "regular" blood tests, and "functional metabolic blood testing"?
The blood tests performed in routine annual physical examinations typically include a number of standard tests, and are looking for extreme highs and lows where the body already has developed impairment. “Functional” testing also includes detailed questionnaires to see if additional testing is needed. When results are received, we look at smaller ranges to determine how well organ systems are functioning  together. This method can also help to identify, treat and prevent further deficiencies or metabolic impairments using integrative nutritional protocols specific for each individuals’ needs. 

I’ve heard that chiropractors hate medical doctors, and have heard a lot of medical doctors tell me that chiropractors are quacks. Why?
This one is just plain not true, at least in our opinion. Just has there are a lot of bad mechanics, there can be a lot of bad chiropractors out there. However, there are also a lot of good ones! Typically, this unfortunate misunderstanding evolves due to a lack of understanding of what each treating doctor is best capable of performing. Chiropractors undergo extensive training with many of the same courses and number of hours of training as most general medical physicians receive. Diversified Sports Chiropractors specialize in the treatment of musculoskeletal pathologies, rehabilitation, radiology and acute injury management. For a breakdown comparison of the 4 year chiropractic doctorate program, visit  
At Action Sports Chiropractic & Family Wellness, we’re happy to work with you AND your physician, working together to provide you with the best care choices available. We also have a wide network of health care providers including acupuncturists, podiatrists, orthopedic and spinal surgeons, rheumatologists and others that we'll be happy to refer you to for the best possible co-management of your condition, if needed.

Will you fix me right away?
Maybe! Unfortunately though, there are no "quick fixes" when it comes to health and injuries. Although most patients do notice a significant improvement in their condition even after just one visit, it generally takes a few sessions in order to sufficiently affect and address the root causes of pain and other symptoms you might be experiencing. The body is an amazing creation, and holds an astounding ability to heal when provided the right tools and attention. However, keep in mind that the worse an injury gets, or the longer you wait to get assistance in improving your conditions, the longer it may likewise take for it to heal. Pain is never "normal", in fact, its the last symptom to show up when an injury or joint dysfunction has occurred. So, don't wait until you "can't take it anymore"! The sooner you present to start care, the sooner you'll notice the results your hoping for. 

What is the difference between a copay versus coinsurance?
Insurance is a financial agreement between you and your insurance company, and there are thousands of different plans. For every portion of care provided by a practitioner, there is a different code that must be submitted to your insurance company. For each of those codes, each insurance company has their own predetermined amount, or "fee schedule" that they feel that portion of care is worth. It is not determined by the healthcare provider.  After the insurance company processes those codes and determines the financial amount they feel the visit is worth,  they either reimburse a portion the provider, or determine the amount to be the patients responsibility. Some plans discount the amount due by the patient to what is called a "copay", a fixed fee paid each time you visit a healthcare provider for care, and they either pay the remainder, or ask the practitioner to write it off. Other plans leave patients responsible for a "coinsurance", which is quite different. This amount is based upon the percentage the patient has agreed to pay on the amount the insurance company has determined to be due to the provider. Niether copay or coinsurance are based upon our cash rates. They are determined by your contracted plan. 

For example, a singe office visit might consist of 4 different codes representing an exam, an adjustment, soft tissue work, and exercise review. Your insurance company decides the visit is worth $60.00. While a patient with a copay may only owe $30 for that visit, a patient with a co-insurance may owe 100% of that amount until they have paid their deductible, and then might pay only 20% of that amount once the deductible has already been met. Sound confusing? It is! If you're having a hard time understanding your plan, call the hotline provided by your insurance company. Or, we can do our best to assist you, as well. 

For more tips and answers, check out the following insightful resources:

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   Dr. Katrina Hackett, DC

Phone:  (858) 876-2171
10054 Mesa Ridge Court, Suite 116, San Diego, CA 92121

Or, simply Call Dr. Hackett and

find out the answers for yourself!


Common Questions